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    Sample Preparation

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    Beniprep® Soil/Fecal DNA extraction kit

    The Beniprep® Soil/Fecal DNA Extraction Kit is a state-of-the-art product designed to efficiently extract high-quality genomic DNA from a wide range of challenging samples, including soil, clay, sediment, manure, heavy metal-contaminated soil, volcanic ash(andisol), and feces. It’s simple and user-friendly one-column system allows even beginners to perform DNA extraction with ease, enabling immediate application in downstream processes like Metagenomic analysis. The kit utilizes pre-filled bead tubes for effective sample homogenization and includes patented technology for the efficient removal of PCR inhibitors.


    Key Features:

    High-Quality Genomic DNA Extraction from Complex Soil /Fecal Samples: Our Kit ensures the extraction of high-quality genomic DNA from complex and challenging soil and fecal samples.

    Efficient Bead Beating: Utilize bead beating for rapid and efficient sample homogenization, enhancing DNA yield and quality.

    PCR Inhibitor Removal: The kit includes patented technology for effective removal of PCR inhibitors, ensuring accurate and reliable downstream analysis.

    High Reproducibility with Spin Column: Employ the high-quality spin column for consistent and reproducible results in every extraction.


    ◎ Applications:

    PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction): Use the extracted genomic DNA for standard PCR amplification.

    Quantitative PCR: Employ the purified DNA in quantitative real-time PCR for precise gene quantification.

    Digital PCR: Apply the extracted DNA in digital PCR for sensitive and accurate nucleic acid quantification.

    16s rRNA Sequencing: The kit enables 16s rRNA sequencing for microbial community analysis.

    Metagenomics: Use the extracted DNA for metagenomic analysis, studying genetic diversity and function in complex environmental samples.


    Cat.# : IVT7003

    Clear-S® Total RNA

    extraction kit

    Clear-S® Total RNA Extraction Kit 는 세포 및 동물 조직, 식물 조직, 곤충 등 다양 한 시료에서 깨끗하게 total RNA를 추출할 수 있는 제품입니다. 

    Genomic DNA 오염 없이 쉽고 빠르게 total RNA를 추출하며 실험 간 오차를 줄여 재현성 높은 결과를 얻도록 설계된 spin column type의 제품입니다.

    ◎ 특징

    다양한 시료에서 신속하고 효과적으로 고품질 total RNA 추출

    Genomic DNA contamination 최소화

    Spin-column 사용으로 높은 재현성 획득

    Phenol, chloroform 없이 핵산추출가능

    ◎ 응용 및 적용

    cDNA synthesis, RT-PCR, Quantitative Real-time RT-PCR, Digital RT-PCR, Northern Blot

    Product Information

    The Beniprep® Soil/Fecal DNA Extraction Kit is a state-of-the-art product designed to efficiently extract high-quality genomic DNA from a wide range of challenging samples, including soil, clay, sediment, manure, heavy metal-contaminated soil, volcanic ash(andisol), and feces. It’s simple and user-friendly one-column system allows even beginners to perform DNA extraction with ease, enabling immediate application in downstream processes like Metagenomic analysis. The kit utilizes pre-filled bead tubes for effective sample homogenization and includes patented technology for the efficient removal of PCR inhibitors.


    Beniprep® Soil/Fecal DNA extraction kit manual
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