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    Sample Preparation

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    Beniprep® Super Plant RNA extraction kit

    The Beniprep® Super Plant RNA Extraction Kit has been specially developed for research purposes, enabling the extraction of high-quality RNA from plants where traditional methods often face challenges. Plant tissues, such as leaves or growth tissues, are rich in polyphenols, polysaccharides, and oils, which can hinder nucleic acid extraction by interfering with nucleic acid binding or causing oxidation. Particularly in samples from ornamental plants, fruit trees, herbs, and other woody plants rich in secondary metabolites, conventional extraction kits often fail to yield sufficient RNA. In the past, researchers had to resort to time-consuming and hazardous methods involving the use of phenol or CTAB. No need ethanol precipitation step.


    Key Features:

    • Enhanced Efficiency: Our product is tailored to swiftly extract total nucleic acid from a diverse array of challenging plant specimens, minimizing processing time and effort.

    • Versatile Applicability: Perfect for extracting genetic material from plants boasting intricate compositions, including those with secondary metabolite abundance, woody structures, fruit crops, and tropical attributes.

    • Quality Preservation: Despite the complexity of the plant samples, our extraction process maintains the integrity of the extracted nucleic acid, ensuring high-quality results for downstream applications.

    • Seamless Integration: Designed to easily integrate into your laboratory workflow, our product streamlines your research processes without compromising on precision.



    • Genomic Studies: Explore the genetic makeup of intricate plant species, unraveling their molecular mysteries with superior-quality nucleic acid samples.

    • Molecular Breeding: Accelerate plant breeding efforts by obtaining pristine genetic material, allowing you to make informed selections for desirable traits.

    • Phylogenetic Analysis: Unlock the evolutionary secrets of complex plant lineages through accurate nucleic acid extraction, enabling robust phylogenetic investigations.


    cDNA synthesis, RT-PCR, Quantitative real-time RT-PCR, Digital

    RT-PCR, Northern Blot, Molecular detection


    ※ 본 제품은 농림축산식품부가 지원하는 기술사업화지원 프로그램을 통해

    한국농림식품기술기획평가원이 지원하여 제작되었습니다.

    (과제번호: 제821044-3호)


    Cat.# : IVT7005

    Clear-S® Total RNA

    extraction kit

    Clear-S® Total RNA Extraction Kit 는 세포 및 동물 조직, 식물 조직, 곤충 등 다양 한 시료에서 깨끗하게 total RNA를 추출할 수 있는 제품입니다. 

    Genomic DNA 오염 없이 쉽고 빠르게 total RNA를 추출하며 실험 간 오차를 줄여 재현성 높은 결과를 얻도록 설계된 spin column type의 제품입니다.

    ◎ 특징

    다양한 시료에서 신속하고 효과적으로 고품질 total RNA 추출

    Genomic DNA contamination 최소화

    Spin-column 사용으로 높은 재현성 획득

    Phenol, chloroform 없이 핵산추출가능

    ◎ 응용 및 적용

    cDNA synthesis, RT-PCR, Quantitative Real-time RT-PCR, Digital RT-PCR, Northern Blot

    Product Information

    The Beniprep® Super Plant RNA Extraction Kit has been specially developed for research purposes, enabling the extraction of high-quality RNA from plants where traditional methods often face challenges. Plant tissues, such as leaves or growth tissues, are rich in polyphenols, polysaccharides, and oils, which can hinder nucleic acid extraction by interfering with nucleic acid binding or causing oxidation. Particularly in samples from ornamental plants, fruit trees, herbs, and other woody plants rich in secondary metabolites, conventional extraction kits often fail to yield sufficient RNA. In the past, researchers had to resort to time-consuming and hazardous methods involving the use of phenol or CTAB. No need ethanol precipitation step.

    Agarose gel analysis and visualization of RNA quality isolated with different commercial kit and this method  Total 200ng isolated RNA from MG (mango), SB (strawberry), GV (grapevine), TM (tomato), PC (peach), BN (banana) and PA (pear) and 400ng RNA from PP (pepper) was loaded to each lane.

    Purity of plant leaf RNA extracted using Beniprep Super Plant RNA extraction kit

    Purified RNA was analyzed through spectrophotometry focusing on A260/A280 and A260/A230 ratios.

    Average RNA yields from plant leaf samples Purified RNA was quantified using Bioteck Epoch™ Microplate Spectrophotometer system


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